Website Acceleration

Do you know how much seconds your site loads?

Optimize image performance
Optimizing all images on your site while maintaining their quality, and also all images that you will upload in the future will be automatically improved
Setting the cache
Your visitors will get a pre-stored copy of your site, so the loading speed will be very low! This is what every visitor to your site desires
Minify CSS and JS
Many themes and plugins put a huge amount of JavaScript and CSS code, I will preview these codes and reduce them to achieve maximum download speed.
Reduce Requests
With the huge amount of files in each plugin and theme, the site takes a long time to load. I will study these requests and reduce them to increase the speed of your site
Database optimization
Databases have a significant impact on site speed. With optimization and removal of unnecessary components, your pages will load faster
secure the site
Lots of external requests from malicious sources will inevitably slow down your site. So I will secure your site against these requests to increase your site speed

WordPress site acceleration service

How important is your website acceleration to your business?
Increase your profits with increased sales and outperform your competitors
Optimizing SEO and ranking your business in Google
Get rid of the problems caused by slow
Switch The Language

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