Plugins Translate

WordPress Plugins

WordPress plugins are one of the very important factors in the success of every WordPress site, as they represent a key player in the efficiency of your website, improving its performance and having essential features and characteristics. It represents an easy way to add specialized and important functions to your site at the lowest possible cost

Kinds of add-ons

  1. 1
    Free Plugins
    It can be easily localized because it is not complicated
  2. 2
    Paid Add-ons
    It is somewhat complicated because it contains many programming codes, a control panel and a special system, and therefore it contains thousands of phrases, texts and codes.

WordPress plugin

It is a small package of files linked together, which you can combine with your WordPress site files in order to have a specific feature, function or feature on your site.
Modify JavaScript code
It is intended to modify the directions in the extension so that no malfunction occurs during the introduction of modifications to the site.
Flip column directions from left to right
This is because the direction of writing the Arabic language differs from the direction of writing the English language.
Arabization of texts and phrases
Delete kerning and text and change dimensions
Switch The Language

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